My Broken Arm | Teen Ink

My Broken Arm

November 30, 2016
By Anonymous

Me V.S Tree
May 5th, 2025. I to my kids to come and take a seat on my couch and told them, “I am going to tell you a story about how I broke my arm/wrist. It’s not that long of a story so hang tight. When you grow up, make sure to tell your son/daughter about this story cause I want it to move from generation to generation. So, this is the story of how I broke my arm.”

May 5th 2015, I was at my Dad’s house waiting for my cousin to arrive so we could hang out. When he arrived, we went inside and played Xbox 360 for a good hour or so. Then we went back outside and climbed a big tree in front of my garage, But before we climbed any more tree’s, we played a quick game of basketball. I ended up winning 5-10.

As we were climbing down from one tree, we decided to climb another tree and swing off it since there was an unbreakable branch to swing off from. Any way we were climbing the tree and I swung off the branch and landed. So then, I decided to swing again and when I let go, I went flying sideways like I was doing a mid-air cart wheel and I broke my arm.

It was curved in like a bumpy hill. My dad ran over to me and lifted me up and rushed me into his truck and took me to Helen Devos Children's Hospital emergency room. On my way there though I was thinking to myself,”Will I be fine?”, “What just happened?”. I can’t exactly remember what they did for the operation but they gave me a needle that put me right to sleep.

After the operation, They gave me a cast and I chose the colors (red and green). It was a long operation, it took about 6-7 hours. So from 1pm- 7pm. Now ever since that operation, I swore never to climb a tree ever again. It took about 3-4 months to recover. While I was in the ER, my mom, brother and sister were there but when the doctors pulled out the needle, My brother had to step out of the room because he hates needles. “Any way that’s the story kids.” I said to my kids. Silence filled the room and they had shocking faces.

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