The Jar Jar Feud | Teen Ink

The Jar Jar Feud

December 12, 2016
By Anonymous

Jar Jar Binks the most controversial Star Wars character ever, by looking at him you would think that no one likes him but you’d be surprised.

So the question is raised, is Jar Jar a good character or a terrible character.

Body #1: Around about a year ago me and my friends had a group chat between the 4 of us, one day one I them sent a theory that Jar Jar was secretly a sith lord a friend and I said it wasn’t true.

Body #2: The reason i didn’t like jar jar was because i thought he was just dumb and didn’t really care too much about him. It was also how he would talk if you ever heard it, you would most likely think it’s sounds kinda odd. As well as his look, he looks like what you get when you give a human a beak and bunny ears it’s just weird. Finally because he acts like he is a child and it surprises me that he lasted a whole movie.

Body #3:
  Now on my friends side it’s kinda odd, they like jar jar because they either because i don’t like them or they actually like him and think he's an underrated character. Also because they think he is a funny character or because of nostalgic reasons. 



Now i understand why my friends like jar jar and i can relate with another star wars character but i still don’t really like him.

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