That's the Reason | Teen Ink

That's the Reason

December 12, 2016
By daltondalecki BRONZE, Ormond By The Sea, Florida
daltondalecki BRONZE, Ormond By The Sea, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whether it's walking down the street and catching the eye of a kid who is too shy to come and say hi, or a sudden hug out of nowhere from someone screaming my name, I get to see the lives I have effected grow up around me. I spend my summers out in the middle of the woods as a camp counselor running around and try to keep up with the high energy levels of the kids that are looking up to me. The money may not be great but the moral payoff is greater than anything I can imagine, anywhere from the kids who come up to you and tell you that they want to grow and be like you, all the way to the kid that is having the most fun because he is away from his abusive family for a week. It’s things like that that make me really love what I do even though I will probably never know what most of the kids home lives are like or if I helped them at all while I could. But all it takes is for that one kid to pour out their heart to you and tell you how you've changed their life to keep me coming back year after year.

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