My Brother | Teen Ink

My Brother

December 13, 2016
By LuketheDuke50 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
LuketheDuke50 BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
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When I was seven the only thing I wanted was a brother. I would ask my mom and dad for a brother every day. I would pray with my mom at night and in the morning for one. I was getting so bored at home and there was nothing to do. It didn’t matter if it was an older brother or younger brother, I just wanted a brother. I remember my parents telling me that we were going to a playground to see a boy, that kid would soon be my brother. When we got to the food court playground I remember seeing the cutest kid. At the time, he looked like he was two.He was wearing a shirt that was striped and overalls over it. He had a buzz cut and the cutest dimples I have ever seen and he was wearing jeans and some off brand shoes that I don’t remember. But what I do remember was how much I loved him and how much fun I had with him. His foster parents and my parents we talking and I remember playing tag with him. I would chase him around the park and he would laugh the whole time. I don’t remember talking to him that much but I loved playing tag with him at the park. The next weekend, my parents and I went over to the foster home to go spend some more time with him. There were four kids in the foster home and they were all very young. With my brother, I felt like I wanted to spend more time with him over the other kids. The other kid was a year old baby. We spend a lot of time at that house and did a lot of things there. My parents and I kept on going to the house probably every weekend and I was confused on why we were going their constantly. I kept on seeing my brother every time and I was getting closer with him every time even though he couldn’t talk that well. We would hang out every weekend so his foster parents and my parents could talk. I remember my mom told me to get on my bathing suit and that we were going to a water park with my brother. The whole ride there I was so excited about going to the water park. The park was right by the house that we had gone to for what had seemed like 100 weeks. I remember getting out of the car and seeing my brother and the two other kids, along with his foster parents. I got out of the car and quickly rushed into the fountain. I remember I had so much energy that day because I was running through all of the fountains and water. All of the kids and I played around in the water for a long time while my parents and his foster parents were talking. I wasn’t really sure what they were talking about but I really didn’t care because the water park was the best. I kept on going back to the water park with them for a long time to spend time with my brother. I remember waking up on a Saturday morning and my mom telling me that we were going to go to Busch Gardens with my brother and I was so excited. We went to Busch Gardens and I remember having the most fun of my life. We would go see shows, go on some rides, and play at the playground were I still like to go today. After the first week of going we would start going to Busch Gardens with him probably every weekend. I had more fun with him every time I saw him. After spending a long time with him, he finally moved in with us. I thought this was awesome because I finally had what I had wanted for so long. We still spent time with the foster parents even though now we were his guardians. We started to go to Disney a lot and just like  with Busch Gardens, we had fun. Spending time with a brother is better than spending a time with a friend ( At that time) and it was so amazing. He moved in with us when he was about three and the only thing he brought was the clothes on his back and a blue teddy bear. We went out with him and got him a ton of cloths that were perfect for him.

After about 6 months of living with us it was finally time for us to adopt him officially. I remember when my parents told me that he was going to be a part of my family I started crying. This was al I wanted for the longest time and I was so happy and grateful that he was going to be in my family. I remember the day we were going to adopt him my whole family was there. I was wearing a blue long sleeve dress shirt and dress pants. I also remember that my brother was wearing a little yellow vest with some dress pants and dress shoes. This day was one of the most important days in my life and I was so happy. The day started out by my whole family and I going to some place that I think was a court house. I remember that it was such a big place and I thought it looked like The White House. I think that the bottom half was a bank and a big stair case lead up to a court. I remember going up with my family and the foster family and being so emotional. I was emotional because after all of the prayers I finally could get a brother that I spend about a year or two with. Everyone was so happy that we were about to have a new Sullivan in the family before the end of the day. I remember walking into the court room and thinking it would be way different. I thought that the room would be a lot bigger and I thought the judge would be some famous judge on TV. I remember waiting for a long time but after a long time it finally happened. I remember the judge asking “ Will you take care of this adorable boy” or something like that and my mom replied “Yes.” This made me so emotional again because now I officially had a brother. After years of asking for a brother I finally got the best brother I could ever ask for. He is kind, thoughtful, and an amazing person. He is the little brother that I imagined and he is perfect. I remember thanking God for my little brother and in our family picture after we adopted him, everyone was crying. On our way back to the car I remember seeing him walk to the car not knowing what just happened but that boy made so many people’s lives better that day. I thank God for giving me such a wonderful brother and I love Him for that.

The author's comments:

My brother is cool.

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