The Nano-Nonfictions | Teen Ink

The Nano-Nonfictions

December 13, 2016
By AlvanR. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
AlvanR. BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Futbol Game

The field was green like emerald shining throughout the night. Although the rain dampened the shirts of fans and players, it didn’t bother to dampen the 80,000 spirits, vibrantly shining like the field. Tears and rain drops streaked down the faces of fans, side by side, like two compatriots in the face of battle.

A German Town

The ancient buildings stood in the same way they did 400 years ago. Nearby, the same grand fountain spewed icy, cold water ceaselessly. There were smells of unimaginable ice cream flavors wafting through the town. It paired nicely with the frequent bicycle bell ringing, bringing a sense of, much needed, pleasure in this german town.

The Save

The whistle blared, and suddenly time seemed to slow down. Each step took five seconds. He hits the ball as I fall. In a moment of prolonged time. I was able to make a decision quickly, lifting my leg to stop the ball. I am then greeted by a roaring noise coming at all angles.


Their blue and yellow shield encompasses everything wrong with the world. They’re a team that are disgusting, dirty, and useless. Structured on a set of ideals that are so heart-wrenching that it makes you feel like they are out to hurt you. They are a dreadful team and yes, they should all be banned forever.

The Friend

An old friend. We used walk through Newbury Street while the trees began to bud and the air was still chilly. Together, we would enjoy lunch at Joe’s and talk about the semester ahead, frightful of the future. We’d walk together through Boston Common enjoying the early sunset.

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