Reminiscent of a Different Time | Teen Ink

Reminiscent of a Different Time

December 31, 2016
By ellieceejay BRONZE, Ledbury, Other
ellieceejay BRONZE, Ledbury, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's something that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick. - Doctor Who

I saw my old best friend today.

We were close from when we were three until when we were nine, and then slowly drifted into the space of 'just a friend' and then into 'just a nothing'. I moved schools, then I moved towns, and then everything didn't fit anymore.

But I saw her again today. She didn't even seem to recognise me. And it made me think - what's gone on in her life since I last talked to her, face to face? It must have been eight, nine years, maybe even more. We've both grown up now. We probably wouldn't get along anymore.


It's like something's been cut out of my life. Nevermind all the other people I've lost, because I was once so close to this girl that knowing that she probably doesn't know what I look like anymore actually, physically hurts.

And is it right for me to be angry at her? For changing so much? For forgetting about all the time we used to spend climbing trees and talking about... Whatever it was that five-year-olds talked about?

I reconnected with my old next door neighbour, and that was one of the best feelings in the world. I'm in regular contact with my closest friend from my second primary school, and the girl I always used to hang around with in the latter years of my primary education.

It's not something I should dwell over, really. I shouldn't feel so betrayed by someone that shouldn't have to care about me. I shouldn't feel so self-entitled, entitled to the friendship of a person I haven't seen for ten years or more. 

But it's the small things that mean a lot. That small narrowing of her eyes like - 'yes, I see you, I know who you are'. Staring at me oddly because of something I'm doing, or have done, that's gone against the person she thought me to be.

I've had a long time to think on things. And I'm happy with the decisions I'm made, and the people I've chosen to surround myself with in my life. But that doesn't change the fact that there are a million tiny moments of my life that I will never get back, or get to relive and do again.

The author's comments:

I saw my best friend from when I was a child recently - we're now both at the same school. She's changed a lot, more than I have, and she wants nothing to do with me anymore.

Maybe I'm taking nostalgia too far, but I'd much rather prefer her to recognise my face when we pass by one another in the corridor.

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