Just for Laurel | Teen Ink

Just for Laurel

May 16, 2017
By brooke141 SILVER, China, Maine
brooke141 SILVER, China, Maine
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Laurel,

You are missed by so many people,especially by me…
I was so grateful to know you. Whenever I saw you it made my day. Like the last day I saw you in person. October 25,2015. The day you went to the Halloween Party and you came over to the house first and you gave me a word of advice,”Don’t follow the crowd be you for you and it doesn’t matter what other people think of you,just be you,k?” If i had one wish it would to be able to see you one more time to say thank you for making my life brighter.

I can’t remember if i ever said thank you for the fuzzy pink North Face sweatshirt but,thank you. It’s my favorite one,i wear it all the time ever since especially since you left.I’m not sure how long I knew you for but,i knew you long enough to know that your were close to my heart. You were close to dad’s heart too,he misses you so dearly just like the rest of us.


When mom and dad went out to meet Eric and some others to celebrate you.Dad and Dan ordered your favorite,that you got every Tuesday when you went out with dad while mom,Haileigh,and I were at dance.
You were very close to my heart and I wish you could read this.

Love and miss you lots.
R.I.P. Saturday,November 21,2015


The author's comments:

This ws for my aunt Laurel who passed myseriously 1 1/2 ago

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