An open letter to the guy that made my sister cry | Teen Ink

An open letter to the guy that made my sister cry

December 5, 2017
By Anonymous

To the kid who told my sister “I can touch you and not get in trouble.”

She is 13 years old. She should not be worried about being raped or harassed on the way out of practice. She should not be running to the car in fear of you. Because of you, she wants to quit her favorite sport. Because of you, she comes home in tears. Because of you, she refuses to go to practice without knowing her friend will be there. You have no right to say‍ ”Your opinion doesn’t matter” ‍to her or any girl.

You have no right to touch any girl when they tell you to go away. If someone tells you to stop, you do. It’s not optional. You stop when they tell you to. Yet, you and others don’t seem to understand that.

You think that because you’re a male tha‍t women iare beneath you and that you can do whatever you want to to them. You think that when they say stop they are just kidding and don’t really mean it. And when they speak up you claim they’re lying, or that it’s their fault for attracting you.My sister didn’t wear her swimsuit for your enjoyment. She wore it so that she could learn and play the game that she loves. When she told you to stop, she wasn’t kidding and she really did mean it. She is not beneath you, no one is. Girls don’t want to be harassed as they play water polo. Girls don’t want to be harassed after practice. Girls don’t want to be harassed anywhere.

So stop with your comments. Your words hurt people. They leave scars that can't be seen. What if it was your sister who was being harassed? I bet you wouldn't blow it off like it was no big deal. You would be pissed off, just like I am now. So why do you do it? Is it so you can feel superior? I don't see how putting someone else down makes you feel better. Is it because you like her? I guess you might have been taught that this is how you flirt but it doesn't make much sense to me. Is it because you're copying everyone around you? I mean, it seems like every famous male has accusations against them coming out lately. I don't know but you need to stop. Here’s a warning. If you do touch her, I will make sure you get in trouble. I will make sure you face the consequences. All those powerful men in Hollywood and the media thought they could get away with it but failed. If they couldn’t do it with all the money and power at their fingertips, how do you expect to? You won’t get away with it. More and more women and girls are speaking up, no longer staying silent about what they faced. So watch out because you won't continue to get away with it for long.


A girl who is tired of the sexist attitudes

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