Baseball | Teen Ink


September 28, 2018
By jordan_gregory BRONZE, Hemet, California
jordan_gregory BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’ve played baseball for pretty much my whole life. I started playing in kindergarten because my mom and dad agreed that when I grew up that I would do an extracurricular activity. Ever since I set foot on a baseball diamond the first time, you couldn’t get me off of it. I just kept playing and playing every chance I got, but once I finally got into really competitive baseball in the fourth or fifth grade everything changed. Before joining a travel team it was just a thing I did during the week and on the weekends. When I joined the travel team, baseball literally became my life. Everyday I always was thinking about baseball, I’d have a tournament every weekend, and practice every other day. I had fun every time I stepped onto that field, just anticipating for the next play or waiting to go up to bat. I had adrenaline pumping through me all the time.

Our team was actually pretty good, we won tons of championships and tons of games. Over the years I’ve accumulated trophies, shirts, jerseys, rings, medals, and a belt. Baseball became an outlet for me to take all my anger out or stress. It was a place where I could be free and have nothing else on my mind. It helped me grow up and make me come out of my shell. My coach was literally my biggest father figure because my parents divorced when I was at the age of three. My coach has made me the young man I am today, who knows where I’d be or who I’d be without him. Baseball has helped me make great friends throughout the years, friends that I’ll never forget.

When my birthday came around I’d always ask for things relating to baseball. Things that had crazy prices, but my parents were willing to get them for me because they knew how much I love the sport. My family always supported me and my love for the sport. They would pay the fees for the tournaments, drive crazy distances for the tournaments, and go to my games. Baseball became a part of their lives too.

Once I got into high school and made the high school team, I instantly made a name for myself. Yeah my old coach, coached across town but I wanted to earn my spot. Kids that I used to play against became my teammates, and kids that I didn’t like I warmed up to them. I just can’t wait till the new season starts, I can finally be the real me again. I can fill in the void that has been missing for what it seems an eternity and I can patch up the wounds that were made during the offseason. I know it’s unhealthy but I just want to numb all the pain that comes with being in high school on the field.

The author's comments:

 Regular kid nothing special.

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