Baseball | Teen Ink


October 2, 2018
By Anonymous

It was the  game of my 12u season at Wills Park for rec baseball. We were playing a team from another park and we were kind of scared because it was our first time ever playing a team from another park so we didn’t really know what to expect. As we all pulled up to the parking lot we saw some of the other team getting out of their cars with the name Ocee on the front of their shirts. The first thing we realized about them was that they were all really small for some reason. But we had heard about how good they were so we were still kind of nervous, even though we had no idea if that was true or not.


The first thing that happened as both of our teams were warming was that I realized that the other team threw the balls over their partners a lot and I thought to my self that if that were us then they would be yelled at a lot because our coach hated it when we accidentally over threw the other person. The second thing I noticed was that when they did batting warmups they didn’t do soft toss they only did tee work, this was odd to me because at wills park we always did soft toss before a game.


As the game started I noticed yet another thing, their pitchers threw harder than any of our players did. So as the first inning went along we went thro the line up and I was hitting third, the first two kids struck out then it was my turn. I fouled off one pitch and swung and missed at the next, then out of nowhere the pitcher threw a low strike at the bottom of the strike zone and I knew I had to swing or I would strike out so I took a golf swing and the next thing I knew I hit the ball and it was flying over the center field fence. I don’t know how I hit it I think I closed my eyes and hoped for the best. But whatever it was it worked and it got me my first ever homerun. And to this day I still remember usein\g my drop thirteen bat and how it felt to hit the ball.

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