The Beauty of Lacrosse | Teen Ink

The Beauty of Lacrosse

October 19, 2018
By Rodro1234 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Rodro1234 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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The slashes of the lacrosse stick can be heard, the helmets clashing are not at all rear and the ball is thrown so fast it's hard to see and it’s a goal. People always underestimate lacrosse and think it may be boring or hard to play. Well, it may be hard for others, I picked it up faster than I expected so I believe other people can too. Lacrosse isn’t very well known in Delaware and I want to try to make it more known and get more people to play. It is a very fun sport that I think everyone should try out once in high school. Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports in America.

Lacrosse is one of the oldest team sport that was played in America. The game originated back to the Native American tribes, it was a tribal game that was played between villages. When the Europeans came to America they modified the game in many different ways to suit them. The game would be played with players of 100 to 1000 and the game would last 1 to 3 days, they would play in large plains and the goals would be around 6 miles apart. The earliest equipment included a ball made out of wood or deerskin filled with hair and the lacrosse sticks were big, long wood spoons. Then William George Beers a Canadian dentist founded a lacrosse club so then he modified the sticks and made the ball out of rubber and from that point on the game grew to a national sport.

In my personal experience of lacrosse is that it is the best sport I have played and I plan on playing this sport in college if I have time to. I started playing last year: my sophomore year because my friend Ty got me to try it out. So I went to the first practice and it was very fun, we went over the basics. I picked up the sport really fast compared to other people and I’ve been practicing a lot lately to get better than my friend and to be the best. The people I played with made it fun to play. There was one time where we were going two on one and I was going up against two, so the coach would throw the ball and all three of us had to go for it. So my friend Hype got to the ball first then I hit his stick and he dropped it, he picked it right up and passed it to Adam but he didn’t catch it so I had a chance to get it so I did. I ran for the ball picked it up and Hype came out of nowhere and just ran me over and I was not sad, mad or disappointed that I lost the ball I was actually laughing, I was having a lot of fun. Then the athletic director ended up canceling the season because we didn't have enough people to play as a team but I still played for a summer league and got a good feel of the game, hopefully, more people come out to play this year so we can have a team this year.

To those people that play football as a fall sport, they should play lacrosse. Lacrosse has the same amount of contact that football plus a bit more. I play football my freshman and sophomore year, it was fun but I only played lacrosse for one year and I had a lot more fun in lacrosse. The objective is like in soccer: to get the ball in the goalie but with a lacrosse stick and more contact. When a person is running with the ball the opponent is allowed to hit the other player’s stick and only the stick. Some get hit in the arm but that's part of the game so they have to deal with it.

Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports in America and people always underestimate the game and think it may be boring or hard to play. Well, it may be hard for others but I picked it up faster than I expected so I believe other people can too. Lacrosse isn’t very well known in Delaware and I want to try to make it more known. It is a really fun sport that I think everyone should try it out and give it a chance.

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