The One Shot | Teen Ink

The One Shot

November 22, 2019
By rm114836 BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
rm114836 BRONZE, San Jacinto, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

That feeling of adrenaline running through your bones. The sound of your heart beat pounding louder and louder. The intense pressure you feeling the second you enter. The smell of the old sweaty gym that weirdly makes you even more excited to be there.It’s like nothing you’ll never experience unless less your there in person. You have to be there in the moment. You have to want to be there to win. The electricity you feel the second you shake your opponent's hand is something heart racing. Knowing that the second the ref blows the whistle ,it’s go time. Once the ref blows the whistle, well it’s like releasing a hurd of wild animals. I explode and automatically begin to fight and push my every limit. The feeling of confidence in myself begins to get bigger knowing that I am stronger than the girl I’m wrestling. But I continue to fight as if she is stronger. The girl well she might not be as strong but she knows her technique and well in  wrestling that’s a good thing to know. I continue fighting back using all my strength and then I hear the whistle blow. Ref says first quarter is over and now it’s my choice whether to go top or bottom. My coach like always tell me to go bottom. He says that if your on bottom and she can’t pin you thats good. So now then match is still 0-0 and neither of us h ave scored. With only thirty seconds of the 2nd quarter left my coach starts drastically yelling at me to get up off the mat. If I get up and off the mat that will give me a point and therefore I will be winning by one point. I try and I try my hardest to get up by the girl well she’s good. But then suddenly I here a whistle, my coach had whistled and it was like suddenly I was able to get up. It was like the whistle triggers something is my head and made me get up. Then after I get up I feel the intensity with only fifteen seconds left of the second quarter I take my chance and I shoot and I get a take down. So know it’s 3-0 and I’m winning. After that the ref blows the whistle and now it’s the last quarter the third quarter. The girl chooses to go bottom this time so this mean that in order for me to win I have to keep her down or pin her, it shouldn’t be so hard right or so I thought. The ref blows the whistle and suddenly me arms begin to burn. My arms were so week i had used all my energy and strength the first two quarters. There was no way that I was going to be able to keep her down. I managed to to keep her down for a good amount of time but she was able to escape. The second she got up she did the same thing I did and she shot on me. Now we’re tied, it’s 3-3. With only 15 seconds of the match left and my body aching I start to worry that I might loose this match. The girl starts to tilt and almost had my shoulders to the mat, she almost had me pinned. I continue to fight through the biting sensation of my middle and I managed to not get pinned. Then the ref blows the whistle. Is wrestling there in not ties, there can only be one winner. So then the ref says we have to go into overtime. I say to myself I can’t go further. My arms have no more strength and my neck and back can no longer keep my up right. There’s no ways I can win this. Then I look over at my opponent and she looks just as tired and beat up as me. I say to myself, no. No I’m not going to give up now, I have more is me. Then suddenly like if I was summed back into reality or something the ref calls us back to the center of the mat. I shake the girls hand again. The ref blows the whistle. Now I’m order for me to win I have to be the first to score a point. So then I push my self to take to be aggressive and ouch into her. I take shots and she defends them. Then she takes shots and I defend them. Then out of nowhere like in a blink of an eye she gets a shot on me. Then we’re both on our knees. We’re both stuck. At this point it who ever pushes them harder who will win this match and I say to myself that I will not let her win. So then I gather every last bit of energy I had left and I push and take her down. Yay that it! I did it! I won! Or so I thought… the girl then suddenly gets a reversal on me and gets on my back. Then the ref blows the whistle. I get up off my knees and walk towards the center of the mat. I shake to girls hand. And then the ref lifts her hand. I did not win… she did. I was so lost and confused. I didn’t know how it was that I allowed myself to get beat by someone weaker than me. How did I allow myself to get beat. I walk off the mat with anger and frustration, lost and hurt. I guess according to the ref I hadn’t taken her down all the way so technically it didn’t count. I honestly no longer cared whether I did or didn’t. It was what it was. I had lost. I had lost my last chance of going to state. If I would have won that match I would have reached my goal. I would have made it to state. I would of made it to state my first year of wrestling. I lost all of that  because of one takedown. Just one takedown. I know that it’s almost going to be a year now since this happened but it still haunts me. It’s something that I will never allow myself to forget. Although that was one of my weakest points since I started wrestling I’ve learned to use it to make me better. I continued to go to preseason practice. I also lifted weights and practiced with other coaches and teams all summer. Now I’m ready. I’ve learned from my mistakes and now I’m ready to be CIF champ this year and I’m ready to make it to state. Season just started and I can't wait to show them what I have in me this year!

The author's comments:

I'm in girls wrestling and this is about how I lost the match that would get me to state

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