My Day | Teen Ink

My Day

January 12, 2020
By Anonymous

My heart burning, also my right foot, and eyes filling with water as a character in the titanic. The ball slowly bounced into the net. The team other team was frustrated, and about to give up. We had just made the tying goal with 5 minutes left! The clock moved like flash during those minutes. The ball leaped and jumped all over the field. All the players on  the field were rapidly running from side to side on the field. Under the burning sun, the referee blew the whistle indicating the game was over! I could feel the nervous butterflies in my stomach, because I knew we were going to penalties.


A hot pulse went through my stomach, as my hand were frigid and my feet shuddered because I knew I would have to shoot a penalty. The effort put up throughout the whole year depended on this moment. It seemed eternal while the coaches were talking to us. I blocked all the words coming out of there mouth. Absolutely all I could think at that moment was making my team proud and showing everyone there that I was capable of doing this, although I was scared. Finally… it was my turn! With my shaking hands I placed the ball on the assigned spot to shoot. In my mind I couldn't decide which side to shoot to. While i was mentalizing myself I could do this and was capable, the other team was throwing shade and that got me even more nervous. I stared straight into the goalies eyes she was standing as a statue and her eyes were two stones. I took three big steps behind the ball towards the left and took a deep breath, held it in, and swung my leg back and with all my strength I shot. I blinked opened my eyes and tears started streaming down my face like a waterfall.

Now I look back to that day and remember it with a lot of joy.

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