Motivation | Teen Ink


December 18, 2020
By brianmorgan BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
brianmorgan BRONZE, Springfield, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 December 2020
What I am going to write about is why sports motivate me to be the best. Ever since I got involved in sports I instantly fell in love with Football and Basketball, these 2 sports gave me hope to do better in life and eventually become a pro-athlete. Every kid's dream is to become a better version of themselves or their parents, there are people that are less fortunate than others and they struggle more to succeed in jobs and life.
I want to talk about what playing sports in your early childhood could do to your future, such as hard work and dedication. In our generation we have athletes such as Lebron James and Sheehy-Guiseppi, these two started in a not so good life. Lebron was living in a small city here in Ohio called Akron where there are less fortunate kids. Lebron went to St. Vincent-St. Mary Highschool and was a scrawny kid but he worked hard to be great and now he’s in the NBA. Sheehy-Guiseppi was jobless and homeless living outside of a gym in Miami, Florida. Sheehy-Guiseppi didn’t touch a football since 2016 and has been poor eversince. The Cleveland Browns gave him a chance to come play with them for the first time on April 5, 2019. He had a breakout game against the Redskins. But after that he unfortunately got cut from the Browns.
These two athletes showed me that there is much more to live for and great things to come for everyone. Colleges look into academics for scholarships to attend the university/ school. Another reason, you need to communicate with people for help such as work, money, or school.
I sometimes struggle heavily with school because of the practices throughout the week, it can be tough sometimes but you have to keep pushing until you get to the top and everything is set for the rest of your life. After Highschool there are plenty of kids that dropout of highschool and don’t pursue their dreams or work life. Research shows that in “2018 unemployment for highschool dropouts reached a low of 13.7 percent almost matching that of graduates” ( This shows that there are kids that most likely don’t have a better life to live, some kids don’t have a choice to continue their education in high school because of possible family problems. Such as money, this plays a huge role in kid’s dreams because they can’t afford what others can. And what I mean by saying this is that there are less fortunate kids in this world and don’t take the good things for granted.
Motivation will always be key in life without motivation it truly can be a struggle in life for you.
Here are some reasons why kids don’t attend college.
No one in their family has gone to college;
They didn't do well in high school, so they think college will be too hard;
They don't know how to choose a college;
They think they won't fit in; or
They think they can't afford college (
These are great reasons on why motivation can be involved with a lot in life. It all has to revolve around on how you want people to perceive you and the kind of impact you want to put on others.
“Division I and II provide $2.7 billion in athletic scholarships annually, awarded to more than 150,000 student-athletes. Only 6% of American high school athletes compete in NCAA intercollegiate athletics, with approximately 2% receiving an athletic scholarship” ( By these statistics I can say that not everyone gets a chance at going to college or going pro. But that 2% should motivate you even more to try harder and reach your goals because one day the percentage can change. I want people to read this and realize that just because your life isn’t the best you still need people to support you and what you want in life. One thing that breaks down kids' mental state for sports is grades. Why? Because they feel school doesn’t matter in the long run if they are playing any sports at the moment. No matter how your life is going, always work your hardest because you never know what will happen in the future. Here are some more facts that I found. “Fewer than 2 percent of NCAA student-athletes go on to be professional athletes. In reality, most student-athletes depend on academics to prepare them for life after college. Education is important.” (

The author's comments:

Something about me is that my life revolves around sports everyone I knew played sports so thats what got me interested. Some other things is I am a Sophomore and loves music.

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