Life Motto | Teen Ink

Life Motto

May 5, 2021
By 73929 BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
73929 BRONZE, Fort Collins, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The more difficult the victory the greater the happiness in winning”-Pele

This quote from the greatest soccer player is not just for sports

You can use this in life when you have a hard project in school

If you really put the time and care into your assignment when you get

A good score it’s going to feel good because you knew what you

Had to do to get a good score

Even if there’s not a outcome that you like doesn't feel like a win but then a few weeks down

The line you get recognized for the hard work and get a raise you’ll know that would be a win.

The author's comments:

This quote can be used as motivation to keep hard work and it will be recongized.

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