biggest game | Teen Ink

biggest game

May 5, 2021
By Ttafoya BRONZE, Fort Collns, Colorado
Ttafoya BRONZE, Fort Collns, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

’Wow this is a huge stadium. I wonder how it's gonna be inside’’ I say as I walk into the training facility about to play at the Wyoming Cowboys stadium. I know alot about sports, mainly football because that's the sport I grew up playing and watching. I know how many people are supposed to be on the field, I know how to play pretty much every position. When you play linebacker if it's a pass you look at the quarterback's eyes and movement to see where the ball will end up going. If you're the quarterback you have to try and watch your blindsides lead the football to the receiver if he's running a route so you need to remember timing and how hard or soft you need to throw the ball. Usually when i'm playing I can be better at something. When i'm in a game i always think to myself “how can i play this better.’’ ‘’what can i do smarter, what angle do i have to run to tackle him.’’ Before every game it's hard to not think if you're gonna break a bone or something before every game I'm always wondering ‘’am I gonna break something’’ but thankfully I'm not the one getting hurt. It's the smallest kid in the game that breaks his ankle or something.

The author's comments:

im in love with football my dream is to be a proffesional athlete and i wrote this to describe one of my biggest games in a college football teams stadium.

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