The whistle | Teen Ink

The whistle

March 15, 2022
By Anonymous

As I glanced up from the ball, I saw my teammates racing toward the box, the defender advancing towards me, I dribbled down towards the corner of the field, as the defender began to slide to intercept me and the ball I crossed the ball placing it right at the feet of my teammate. One touch from him, it was in! As we ran to each other to celebrate, the smell of freshly cut grass and the sounds of cheering from the onlookers sprang rushing into reality as my concentration evaporated as it was replaced with dopamine. Next came the sound of a whistle clear as day cutting through the noise. Screams of emotion and pride caught by the air and carried towards me. Happiness and energy spread to every part of my body as if someone had switched on a light switch. The celebration was short however, we still had the finals and the most prominent challenge our team had encountered yet. We worked and worked, sweat was pouring down my face and I felt as though I was made of sand, sand desperate for water, and a break from the neverending heat.

I woke up with a start wide awake like someone had slapped me. It was game day, the finals. I was incredibly nervures and exhilarated at the same time I felt my heartbeat pulsing inside me as if it was breaking through. When I arrived at the field and saw; my coach, my teammates, the goalpost's, the hundred or so people lining onto the bleachers, their faces masked by the distance between us.  Dark clouds began poisoning me, stuffing my brain with doubt and hopelessness. I pushed those feelings aside as best I could and sat down pulling out my cleats, shin guards, and finally, the captains' band, as I saw the band I realized that there was a reason why I was captain and why I was on this team and just as the feelings of doubt came they went. I was ready, this was it! The whistle blew finding its way to every player and onlooker. The game was on. 

The match was going well our team was in control of possession most of the time and was getting some excellent chances on goal. I was in the center guiding the team, creating plays, and controlling the pace of the game, for it was my job, both as captain and center defensive midfielder. Just before the first half had concluded they got one, it just felt unfair we had dominated possession and were at least in this half the better team, but that's how it is sometimes, unjust and unright things can happen and you just have to persevere threw them. As the second half started I kicked the game into a faster pace and our team clicked pass by pass the ball traveled up the field and then the satisfying thwack of the ball and rustle of the net as the ball found its way home. 1-1. The enemy team found a source of fire and the game got real both teams wanting to win it more than the other and none getting lucky. Then, in the last seconds before the game was to finish our team was fouled. A free-kick. A free-kick in prime striking position. This was on me as I picked my target location on the goal, thoughts of doubt and failure filled my head but somehow I managed to push them aside. As I ran to shoot, time slowed, sounds faded into nothingness, and then a thud, the sound of my shoe hitting the ball the only sound that I heard or would remember.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this at first, just as a school assignment, but it became a way that I was able to relive one of my favorite memories in life. Although I personally don't play football(soccer) anymore, but it still has a place in my heart. I hope that when people read this they remember one of their favorite moments and can also relive those moments. 

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