How to Ski | Teen Ink

How to Ski

February 12, 2024
By 5zywiec SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5zywiec SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Skiing can be difficult but if you learn how to take things slow and never rush your learning you will improve faster. For AJ Holmes they learned to never be afraid and that you need to allow your body to move but never be stiff while doing so and face forward to make it easier to move. AJ Holmes learned how to take criticism to improve their skills in skiing. Respecting others in skiing is very important because you need to learn about your surroundings so nobody gets hurt. Patience is key for skiing because you need to learn one skill at a time which makes you adapt to new situations and new hills to ski on. 

“If you don’t embrace the fall you could get hurt more” said AJ Holmes which proves that learning the skill of skiing takes time and it’ll take time to improve yourself and become better at the new skills you want to learn. Trying different gear could make things easier for you and more adjustable for your own learning, watching Youtube videos could give you more tips. 

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