How to Do a Turn in Dance | Teen Ink

How to Do a Turn in Dance

February 13, 2024
By ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     “I remember the first time I learned how to turn at my dance studio. It is something I will never forget!” stated Kennedy Klubertanz, a competitive dancer since five years old. During her eleven years of dance training, she has learned many skills and techniques, but one specific one stands out, turning. “This skill is not easy,” Klubertanz said, but with practice, anyone can successfully perform a turn. 

     Klubertanz, who dances at Elation Dance Center, in Delafield, Wisconsin, was taught how to do a proper turn by her instructor, Miss Marja. Little did Klubertanz know, she would later be able to teach others how to turn just like how she was. 

     Before you get into the turn, you need a skilled, stable passe. This includes a high relevé on your bottom leg, and a high posse with your big toe connected to your knee. Ensure that your core and arms are activated to produce the best possible turn you can do.

     Start in a lunge position, with one leg in front of the other and the knees slightly bent. Put your opposite arm, then the leg that is forward, out in front of you, with your other arm out to the side. This position is called a “prep” to prepare you for your turn, and overall will make or break your turn. From here, push off your back foot, pull up your body, and wrap your arms to the first position in order to whip your body around to the front. One of the most important parts of the turn is the spot, which is a place where one looks to keep them from getting dizzy and falling over during a turn. Klubertanz states, “Look at something that's not moving, a stable object in front of you, and whip your head around as fast as you can to continue looking at that object.” Finally, be ascertain that you end your turn gracefully (could be with your arms and feet out in second), do not ruin your hard work by unprofessionally landing it.

     Turning can be hard and frustrating if it does not go the way you expect it to. However, Klubertanz encourages no one to give up while learning this skillful trick. If you put your mind to it, anyone can do it. Practice makes perfect!

The author's comments:

I, Ella Serwin, interviewed my friend, Kennedy Klubertanz, and got her steps and expert opinion on how to do a turn in dance. She made this How-To piece possible!

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