The Lights Remind Me | Teen Ink

The Lights Remind Me

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

The light of the sun 

reminds me of the pre-game 

warm-ups and rituals listening 

to the deep voice of our 

coach hyping us up, but shaking 

like a leaf in the wind because 

of the jitters and nerves.

The lights of the stadium

at night reminds me of the

championship game playing

my heart out, waiting for the blow

of the whistle, hearing the crowd

go wild, clapping and cheering.

The lights of the camera 

flickering and flashing in front

of my team, reminds me of 

the first time I had ever won a 

tournament, exhilarated at the

the sight of my first metal.

The lights of the restaurant

reminds me of celebrating the

big win with my team and the 

flickering lights glistening off of

my freezing celebratory ice cream. 

I look as cool as a cucumber even 

though I feel like a volcano ready

 to erupt my excitement 

The lights of my bedroom 

slowly turning off reminds 

me of dozing off and hoping 

that this opportunity will 

soon come again.

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