The Wait | Teen Ink

The Wait

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Beep, Beep, Beep. The day starts with a buzzing alarm clock at 4am. Waking up is tiring, but well worth the outcome! We assemble the gear together, ate breakfast, and drive to our destination. As we get out of the car we put on our gear as quietly as possible. We tip toe over to the stands. Slightly stepping slowly making sure not to crackle the leaves each step. As we climb into our stands, the hunting has commenced. 

The beautiful sunrise calls out to us, distracting us from the land we are hunting on. The squirrels beguile us with their light steps in the leaves. They make the same sounds a 10 pointer buck would make as they tiptoe through the woods. As they pass over us we wait patiently for the right opportunity. Every time we hunt we ascertain new things about the deer. Allowing us to study their patterns. 

As we lose all hope for the day, we hear a branch snap. A quiet snap draws attention to this bush quicker than lighting. As I see a large deer rack barley pear through this bush my heart drops. I pull back my bow slowly like a tortoise. I focus all my attention on the bush as it starts to move. I wait for thee deer to fully show itself from the bush. Fear and excitement fill me at the same time. I aim right by the bush just waiting for him to come out. As I hear the crackling leaves start to fade. I stay positive that he could still be there. Hours pass and the excitement turns to disappointment. The deer won this time. Just barely making himself visible to me. I never got a good shot. The sport of hunting can be tough, but that is what makes it worth it when you shoot your prize.

The author's comments:

This sport is rewarding but tough.

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