The Football game | Teen Ink

The Football game

December 2, 2009
By Dillon Reno BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Dillon Reno BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I love the bone crushing, hard hitting, game of football. Every night at practice a week. Last week our coach said, “Our defense, running, and passing is all right we just need to work on our offense blocking and our runners holding the ball so you don’t fumble the ball.” I think we are getting better though. Mostly that week we worked on blocking and passing drills, two nights we scrimmaged our own team(six on six). My team won one of the scrimmages but the second one we lost, and the loosing team has
to do bear crawls. Bear crawls is when you crawl on your hands and legs, and our coach makes us do bear crawl five yards then back, ten yards and back, and do that all the way to 100 yards! If both teams tie we do bear crawls five yards drop, then karaoke five yards and drop, then sprint five yards and drop, and repeat that for 100 yards! That week’s game my team won, which now makes my team 3-2. that means my team won three games and lost two. I love football.

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