Sports and Drugs | Teen Ink

Sports and Drugs

December 17, 2012
By ColeG321 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
ColeG321 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
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Now a days you hear about kids all caught up in drugs and what not. It seems like it’s a subject that is becoming more and more popular as the years go on. Some of their parents just don’t care either. I think that the parents should care enough to tell them to stop or try to get them help. There’s a news article that says one in five kids that were addicted to drugs received their first drug from their parents. Why would parents influence their kids to do drugs? It makes no sense. I have known some kids that were good athletes but started doing drugs and messed up their lives.

I think that if kids get involved in a team sports the they will stay away from drugs. If you’re involved in a sport then you are active most of the time and too busy with the sport and school. You don’t have time to try and get addicted to drugs. Practice is almost every day after school for 2 or more hours. Your so busy and have such a good future to look forward to with sports and school, I would think you wouldn’t even want to try drugs. I saw a survey that said that over 14 million kids were surveyed, those who played sports were less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and they were more likely to disapprove these substances. That survey shows that my argument is true. So I think that kids need to get active and start playing sports. Team is like family to kids and it gives them a strong connection not to do drugs.

Drugs are not only bad but can ruin a life, so before a kid thinks about trying drugs, they should think about what they’re doing. By using drugs not only do your risk your life, but you risk your future and career. If you applied for a job and had a background of drug abuse you most likely won’t get it. People don’t feel bad for you, they don’t want you around them. Too many kids don’t think about what they are doing and are pressured by friends. Peer pressure is the worst; don’t let your friends persuade you to use drugs no matter what. Nothing good ever comes out of using drugs. Parents need to get involved and talk to their kids about drugs. Play sports, get involved, get good grades and you can see a bright future ahead.

The author's comments:
I hope people learn not to use drugs and go play a sport.

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