football | Teen Ink


December 18, 2012
By AaronNCFC97 BRONZE, Norwich Norfolk, Other
AaronNCFC97 BRONZE, Norwich Norfolk, Other
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Lets be having you!!!!!!!!!! by delia smith speech to norwich city fans

Football is nearly every teenager’s favourite sport. Football is the most loved sport across the world, this sport is a very active sport as you are running around a football pitch for as long as either 45, 90 or maybe sometimes 120 minutes. There are many different roles you can take part in football but every footballers ream is to become a professional football player. I think the reason why so many people want to become a professional footballer is because they enjoy it and want to try and win trophies and become famous, but there are other jobs you can do instead of becoming a professional, there’s becoming a manager or a coach and many more.

I am now 15 years old and I’ve been playing football since I was 4 I first started playing football. I am now playing in semi pro league for my age group. this is the top league. we are currently 5th in the league and we are enjoying it.

Most people say that football is not a man’s sport but rugby is I totally disagree because football is very competitive and everyone wants to win. In football there are more bad injuries than any other sport, I think the reason for this is because everyone wants the 3 points (you get this when you win a game) so they will do anything to make sure they will win. There are two perfect examples to this one is Eduardo, he used to play for arsenal he playing one game and a Birmingham player came in and his boot when on top of Eduardo and completely snapped it in half the bone came and ripped through his skin and his sock. The other reason why football is such a competitive sport is Aaron Ramsey who also played for Arsenal he was running with the ball then a stoke player came and slide tackled him the next thing which happen was that his knee and thigh were facing to his left and his shin as facing to his right and his foot was facing forward, he broke his leg and was out of football for almost a year. But there are positives about football as you play the sport you enjoy and win trophies and travel to amazing places.

Supporting a club is the best bit about football in my opinion because you are sitting there watching your favourite football team play and cheering them on and hoping that one day you will be wearing the colours and playing football for them. I support Norwich City, I think they are a very good team the football they can play is amazing. This team has grew from 2010 to now because they were in league 1 in 2010 and now they are in the Barclays premier league possibly the best league in the world. Also supporting Norwich I get the opportunity to either go to meet the players before or after the game.

I think that football is a manly sport and people should try and see if they like it.

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