The Sporty Art | Teen Ink

The Sporty Art

December 19, 2012
By Abby Donato BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Abby Donato BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s hilarious when people say that dance is not a sport. Now, I know a lot of people say that all the time, but only because it’s so true. Dance is a very physical art form. It takes almost every muscle of the body to perform a short two minute dance perfectly. Dance requires hours and hours of going over short parts over and over again until every person looks the same. Not only does dance require your whole body concentration, but it takes a good amount of brain power as well. To do difficult dance moves you have to be able to understand your body, understand how it moves. It takes a lot more than you think. You have to hear the music and be able to move to the beat and understand the counts given to you. So many people take dance for granted. Another reason why is because a dancers goal is to make it look easy. That’s the illusion of dance.
Here are some guidelines as to how to be the best dancer:
#1 The key is fluidity. Every motion has to connect with the next in one solid motion. In dance there really is no stopping when you’re dancing. There’s a difference between doing the steps in a choppy fashion and connecting every move.
Stay light. No one wants to watch a dancer who makes a loud noise when they hit the ground after a leap. Keep on your toes. You may have to imagine that you are a fairy or a feather.
Complete each motion. It can be very hard to carry out every move completely, especially if the counts are fast. But you have to do each move fully before you move to the next one.
Keep your eyes up. The audience came to see you. Did you come to see the floor?
Every move has a placement. Your arms, legs, body, shoulders, everything has a place.

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