Living up to Brother’s Legacy | Teen Ink

Living up to Brother’s Legacy

January 21, 2013
By MattClavette SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
MattClavette SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ricky Finco is the youngest of three brothers to go through Arrowhead. Russ Finco graduated in 2009 and was a two sport athlete. Russ got a full ride scholarship to play football at St. Cloud State in Minnesota. Kenny Finco will graduate in 2013 and is a three sport athlete. Kenny Finco has a full ride scholarship offer from Wayne State in Nebraska to play basketball.

“Growing up, we all competed against each other,” said Ricky. “Since I was the youngest, I didn’t win much, but it made me work that much harder to try and get better so I could beat my brothers.”

Ricky is a three sport athlete. In fall, he’s playing football, in winter basketball, and in the spring he runs track.

“My favorite sport is football. I have a passion for the game and it’s probably the sport I’m best at,” said Finco.

Ricky starts at wide receiver for the undefeated Warhawks. In ten games, Finco has 32 receptions for 713 yards and eight touchdowns. He also has two rushing touchdowns on five attempts.

“I’ve had a good season so far,” said Finco. “As a team we are two games away from our goal which is winning the state championship.”

Ricky was on the varsity basketball team as a sophomore. He averaged 4.9 points per game ten games. He hit 11 three pointers and shot 83% from the free throw line.
“Last year I thought I really got better from practicing with varsity,” said Finco. “This year I will hopefully earn more playing time.”

Ricky will be running track this year for Arrowhead. This will be his first year running track after playing golf his sophomore year during the spring.

“I really want to improve my speed for football,” said Finco. “Golf was fun, but track will be able to get me better at football.

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