The Final Down | Teen Ink

The Final Down

March 7, 2013
By SchrodingersCat_ BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
SchrodingersCat_ BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The last game of the 6th grade football season had begun. We had the ball at about the 37 yard line, and we were losing terribly. 43-0. This was no surprise to anyone, considering that we hadn't scored once all season. Our main goal was to not lose by more than 50. After all, I told myself it was just a "warm up" season anyway, and that one day we would taste victory.

I was a fullback, and since the throwing capabilities of our team were less then stellar, we ran virtually every play. In light of this, I got the ball a lot of times. We weren't too good on the outside, so we always ran it up the middle. But, anyway, after a string of touchdowns by the other team, we started feeling pretty low. Play after play, we tried and failed. After a lousy kickoff return, we lined up at about the 37 yard line. By that time everyone was exhausted and wanted to go home.

The only thing that ended up going through my mind was, "Just run the play, and you'll live to see another day." I just tried my best. I really wanted to score a touchdown, at least once, but I said to myself, "It's like 3rd and 8 and there is no way we are ever going to score." But as we lined up for the next play, I finally got my chance.

In the huddle, the QB called a 42 dive, my normal play. We lined up and the ball was hiked, and handed to me. I ran as hard and as fast as my legs could carry me. Normally, when you run that play, you get stopped pretty fast and don't get very far, this time that was not the case. As I ran a few steps further, no one hit me hard enough to stop me. So I kept running, and running, and running, and pretty soon I realized that there were no more players in front of me from the other team. I thought nothing but, "Run! Run! Run! Faster! Faster! Faster! You can make it!"

Mere seconds later, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow. I said to myself, "Oh no you don't!" and I ran faster than ever. The goal line was steps away. I made it, our only touchdown that year, in the last game. Our team still lost, but we all went home hanging our heads a little higher.

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