First TIme | Teen Ink

First TIme

April 5, 2013
By Ashley Connor BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Ashley Connor BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First time... Any first's can be scary, but when I danced for the first time in public I didn't know if I could handle all of the emotions. I was flushed with panic. My palms sweaty, stomach in knots, and plenty of questioning thoughts. Could I actually push myself onto that stage. My initial thought was of course not. With all of the parents and friends in the audience there was no way I could pull this off. There came a point a few weeks earlier when one one of my dance teachers had said I wasn't moving up next year, unlike the rest of my friends. She said I had a lot to improve on and it would be better to stay on a lower level. To a young adult that might have been not as bad but she was telling me and I was only 8. That really knocked me down, but in the end I placed my baby point shoes on, gave everything I had on that stage, and moved on.

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