My Sports | Teen Ink

My Sports

May 3, 2013
By Braleigh Bechtol BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
Braleigh Bechtol BRONZE, Grove, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I do two sports. They both require a lot of concentration, hard work, and skill. The hardest part about being in two separate sports is that all kinds of sports have a different defintion of “in shapes”. these sports are pole-vaulting and cheerleading.

Pole-Vaulting is enjoyable but difficult to keep in shape for. It takes so many gym hours to be successful. In reality, a vaulter should pole-vault about three times or more a week. In pole-vault season which is late winter, early spring, depending on if it is indoor or outdoors season you have to be strong in your upper body and fast on the runway this requires endurance to be fast but only for a short period of time. Although it is hard and lots of work, it is rewarding.

Cheerleading is worlds different from pole-vaulting because during competition season you have to non-stop give it your all for two minutes straight. It doesn’t sound like much, but when you are throwing people in the air and screaming words it’s intense. Tumbling and jumping require you to be light so you can stay graceful and float through the air but be powerful on the way down. Cheer has a totally different dynamic. I love pole-vault and I love cheer, but getting in shape for each season is always a task. It is always worth it!

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