Haase Changing the Record Books | Teen Ink

Haase Changing the Record Books

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Craig Haase is a successful basketball coach and an enthusiastic U.S. History and American Problems teacher. Haase has been the head basketball coach for 13 years and has been teaching here at Arrowhead for 18 years.

Haase graduated from Swallow Middle School and moved on to Arrowhead where he graduated in 1989. He took his talents to Ripping University where he played two years but then transferred to Lawrence University where he also played two years.

Haase has been into basketball his whole life and has played an important part too. Since Haase has been head coach at Arrowhead, they have never had a losing season. Haase has had many memorable seasons at Arrowhead, Haase says, “It’s a tough one, the obvious is the 2010 State Championship year, but also my first year as a head coach was very exciting. We turned a three game winning season into a winning record”.

Being a basketball coach entails much work. Having to go to practice each day, focus on your week’s opponents, and keeping your team under control. Haase does a very good job of managing his squad year after year. Haase prepares for games all the time, he says, “I prepare for games very carefully. I watch lots of film, and make sure I accomplish what our team needs to do to get ready for whoever we play”.

Haase has coached many exciting and nail biting games here at Arrowhead, he says, “If I had to pick just one game, it’s hard. I’ve coached so many games it’s hard to choose. If I had to choose I would say the State Championship game, the 2010 Sectional Final, and the 2006 Sectional Final. All of the games were very special and important victories”.

As long as Haase has been the coach at Arrowhead, he has had a full staff of assistants and managers to help out the team. Haase says, “The mangers are very iatrical, help out in practice, fill in drills, run the clock, and do stats during the game so they can give us obvious adjustments that need to be made”.

Being a coach for so many years has to call for some great performances from players, Haase says, “It’s a tough one, I’d have to go with Johnny Hoch’s buzzer beater in 2006 to go to the sectional finals, and Charles Rushman’s shot in the Sectional finals to go to the State Championship, and I’d also have to throw in Michael Scary’s buzzer beater against Menomonee Falls to send us to state over J.P. Tokoto.

Craig Haase has had many accomplishments in his career at Arrowhead and it will continue throughout the upcoming years also. Haase is known as a hard working teacher and a dedicated coach to the program he loves.

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