Fantasy Turns Real | Teen Ink

Fantasy Turns Real

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

From the beginning of August until the end of December, Arrowhead students and many more participate in Fantasy Football. Fantasy Football is when you draft NFL players and create a team, to compete against friends bragging rights and sometimes cash prizes.

Fantasy football can get heated. But it’s still fun at the same time. The key to having a good team is doing the research before the draft and getting lucky in the position in the draft. Getting lucky in the draft, means getting a top pick. For example, you would rather have the first pick than the last pick forth.
The fun part about fantasy football is attempting to get to the playoffs and having close matchups.

Being in a league brings the best out of people. Take Arrowhead senior Jackson Abresch for example. Abresch was in the semifinals in his league and had his lineup set and ready to go for Sunday’s games on Friday. But George Panos, a fellow Arrowhead student, changed Abresch’s lineup.
In fantasy football, it is not legal to change other team’s lineups other than yours. Abresch was informed by Panos that he changed his lineup and never had the time to change it back.
Abresch was enraged at Panos and ended up losing his matchup in the semifinals to go to the championship. If Panos never changed his lineup, Abresch would have won and moved on to the championship.

Fantasy is one of the things Arrowhead students look forward to. Personally, the most fun part of fantasy football is the draft. The draft allows you to see how good your team will be and hang out and have a good time with your friends.

Having a solid team is key to being successful in the game of fantasy. Drafting players like Adrian Peterson, Arian Foster, Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Ray Rice, and Calvin Johnson are some of the top fantasy players every year.

Fantasy football is popular throughout the school; you can come to school and hear kids talk about how each of their teams did and who really did well and poor on their squad during the week.

Now is the time of year with fantasy teams fighting to go to the championship, and it is win or go home at this point.

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