Betterment | Teen Ink


November 13, 2013
By Lauren Moldver BRONZE, Bellinham, Washington
Lauren Moldver BRONZE, Bellinham, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There is a spring floor. Tumbling equipment all around and lots of people. Everyone is working on different skills. Some are at practice others are practicing certain skills. Everyone is enjoying themselves some way or another. Maybe you hit that stunt that you’ve been failing at for weeks or you got that tumbling pass you’ve been working towards for years. These things just all of a sudden come. It’s really life changing when they do.
I run into the pass. Trusting myself to do what’s right. I know my body knows what to do. It’s all in my mind. I throw my tuck and land. Not on face or my back, but on my feet. These are the moments that keep pushing you to do better. They push you to go up and never look down. These moments make up for the times you weren’t able to have that sleepover because of practice. The moments were finally hit what you’ve been working toward for the whole season.
It feels like you’re going to die. You say you can’t even though you can. You have to trust yourself fully. Because when you step on that floor your body will fall into the rhythm of the routine. If you let your mind think too much that’s when you will fail. You have to forget what’s going on around you and just know what you need to do and do it. When the music stops and the crowd starts to cheer. You just have the biggest smile on your face because you don’t even remember what happened. All you know is you hit everything perfectly and that your routine was perfect. Because you didn’t think about it.
Every cheerleader wishes for that spotless routine, but those don’t come very often. You have to work harder then you ever have. You have to trust your teammates and yourself. Cause if one person forgets to do one thing that could be the difference of first and last place. To get the perfect routine, you have to practice like you were competing on the completion floor every minute of your practice. That’s what it takes to get your spotless routine.

The author's comments:
This is about the feelings and competing of All-star competitive cheerleading.

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