Killing | Teen Ink


November 13, 2013
By Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was talking about my events to my cookie, Tiana. I was also talking about how excited I was to kick some butt in the meet today. The pool was quiet and still. Then, music started to blast out of the speakers. They had a beat that everyone had to dance to. We stood up on the bleachers and danced like we didn’t care. We laughed so hard that I was crying. After the fun was over, we went to our bags and prepared for a warm-up that is going to be deadly. I put on the cap and goggles and ran toward the end of the pool. I was ready for the warm-up to be done. Warm-up is the most hateful thing any swimmer can do. Everybody ends up with bruises and a whack on the head. I jumped into the frigid to prepare for a whole thirty minutes of death.

We were killing the pool. I was trying really hard not to hurt or run over anyone. I was sweating inside to keep my rhythm going since every five seconds there were people who would stop in the middle of the pool. After that painstaking warm-up we went into the locker rooms to change into a suit that a two year old could fit into. They were five times smaller than what any of us could wear. I slowly started to pull up my suit. There were many points where I needed support.

My friends were sweating and crying. I figured that the coaches were trying to punish us. We could barely bend down for a dive and our shoulders were about to fall off of our body because of the stress it put on us. I was struggling to stay in my suit just like the rest of the other kids. I grabbed my parka and ran toward the coaches to prepare for a cheer. Cheers are very important since it shows how much sprit we have. Spirit is very important in swimming since we need it to get pumped up. After breaking the glass windows of our pool with our screams we prepared for the meet to begin at last.

I stood up to the blocks loud and proud. I was confident and scared. The event was very painful. The event was in-between sprinting and pacing yourself. I never like the sprinting part since I can barely do it for a 200. I dove off aggressively off when the loud beep sound came. I was trying to swim through the butterfly since it is them it painful part of the race. I gasped of air and pushed with my last lap. I sprinted still I couldn't up to that lovely wall that is a swimmer’s best friend. I breathed in the air filled with happiness and disappointment.

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