Leading up to the big race | Teen Ink

Leading up to the big race

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Striding confidently behind the blocks I can feel my swimsuit squeezing me, but I ignore it,nothing will stop me from winning this race. I try to catch my breath, In through your nose-out through your mouth I tell myself as I watch the boys swimming their race before me. I started waving my arms back and forth trying to stretch out my muscles. To my left I see the bleachers out of the corner of my eye, I feel the weight from all the eyes fall to my back. I pulled my cap over my ears to drown out any noise and focus. No one deserves this more than you I convinced myself. I feel the butterflies in my stomach moving faster and faster as I step on the blocks. I inhale one last breath of air before the biggest moment of my life.

The author's comments:
As a freshman in high school, going up against upper classman to be considered the best on the team was a nerveracking experience. I remember so many little things and details leading up to race and I decided to write about them in a little snapshot of a couple seconds.

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