The Team | Teen Ink

The Team

February 13, 2014
By Anonymous

On Saturday we had a basketball tournament at F3 Fire. Our first game was at eight o’clock. We all came ready to play and we needed this win to do well in this tournament. Before going into this game if we win the first couple of games we could play as many as two but if we lost it was going to be a long day. It was now eight o’clock and the game started we were running it up and down the court getting steals and points. And when we had the ball we were pounding it inside to Damon, Jake, and I. We came out of the game on top.

We had one game break in between all of our games. We wanted to win this next game so we wouldn’t fall into the losers bracket and have to play many more games. It was time to play our second game of the day now we have played this team before the Rams and beat them by 30 points we were sure to win. The rams came out ready to play they were aggressive and physical. We ended up losing the game because we were not ready to play and we thought that we were going to beat them.

We were not out of the tournament because it was a double elimination. So coming into this next game we knew we needed to win. Our team was now in the losers bracket so it was going to be a very long day. When our third game came we were ready to play right away and beat the F3 Fire bad. The team was really enthusiastic and was determined to win this tournament.

The next game was the same we were ready to play and ended up winning. We felt insuppressible, until the next game we were behind and we needed to catch up before the game was over. It was getting close we were not far behind and we could come out with a victory. Three minutes into the second half we had taken the lead and we kept on building the lead and we had won the game. The game after that was almost the exact same except we came back from a bigger deficit and won.

It was now our Seventh game we are matched up with the Rams the team that we lost too in the second game. If we won this game we would be in the championship. The team was determined to win this game. The game started we wanted to win extremely bad but we were exhausted and could barely run up and down the court. We were down by a lot and I didn’t know if we could come back in this game and it may be our last game of this tournament. It was now half time we were all tired and down, we needed to find a way to come back and win. The second quarter started and we found the energy that we needed to come back. We were up close with them now it was unbelievable we could win this game. But there was only a minute left in the game we had to deneye the ball we couldn’t let the pass it in we needed to get the ball they tried to pass the ball to my guy that I was guarding but I knocked it down and we fought for the ball. The ref called it a jump, it was still there ball. They got the ball in and stalled but we got the ball back and scored. The buzzer went off, we had lost the layup wasn’t enough to win the game. The tournament was over for us and the Rams and another team would go on to the Championship tomorrow.

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