All about the Protein | Teen Ink

All about the Protein

March 13, 2014
By Alex Mason BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
Alex Mason BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Would you like to be muscular and healthy? Would you like to feel better and look better too? If so, prepare yourself for my free eight week program.

Week 1-6 (Bulking stage)
In the first six weeks of your body transformation you need to focus on building muscle. Even if you have a layer of fat, don’t be afraid to grow muscle underneath. You will lose the fat during weeks six through eight. Lifting weights is the most productive way of building muscle. However, working out only contributes 50% to your physique. The other half, which I believe is more important, is eating a healthy diet. If you would like to become fit, follow these rules of dieting.

Protein: By far the most important macro in your diet. You should be eating around the amount you weigh but in grams. For example, I weigh 170 pounds; therefore, I would eat 170 grams of protein daily. Another tip of advice, eat high protein meals before and after your workout to help repair and grow your muscles faster. Great sources of protein would include: chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, Greek yogurt, and always protein shakes.

Carbohydrates: Your main source of energy. Carbs give you the energy before workouts that helps push you the extra mile, or extra rep. The same rules apply for eating carbs as with protein (about as much as you weigh in grams). Healthy sources of carbs would include: potatoes (sweet or regular), rice, and wheat bread.

Sugars and fats are your worst enemy. Avoid eating high sugar foods like candy, and all desserts. Also stay away from fats like ice cream, cake, doughnuts, chips, and fried foods. Substitute fruits with vegetables. Nuts are healthy for you in many ways; however, too many could be unhealthy due to high fats. A handful would be about the right amount for a healthy snack. Stay away from soft drinks or alcohol. These are high in calories and do you no good.

These four rules can help you transform your body from unhealthy to fit. It’s better for your body if you eat smaller meals throughout the day, rather than 3 meals. Now it is time to lose the fat.

Week 6-8 (Cutting stage)
In these last two weeks burning fat is your primary goal. An easy way of losing weight is by reducing your carbohydrate intake. By doing so your body now has to produce its own fuel, by burning stored fat, instead of using the carbs. This process is known as a Ketogenic, or Atkins diet. Keep the same values of protein and restrict the fats. However, eat as few carbs as possible. Don’t forget throughout this eight week program you must not stop lifting weights! After these two weeks you will find a fit and more athletic you. Enjoy my eight week program and let me know your results. Have a great day and keep getting big.

Thank you,

Alex M.

The author's comments:
This article comes from my own experience.

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