Ball is Life | Teen Ink

Ball is Life

March 15, 2014
By srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day, I went to Regional Park. It was a very sunny day. I was just messing around on the basketball courts shooting half court shots. A middle aged man and his group of friends asked if I would like to play a game of basketball with them. I quickly replied, “Yes,” and I started to play with them.

To my dismay, the adults believed that I wasn’t a good player. I was a little angry at this, but I calmed down. I ran to my sweet spot, and I was wide open. However, none of my teammates would pass it to me. At halftime, the score was tied at 52 points per team. My team got into a huddle and discussed what to do. Although I was a little reluctant at first, I asked my teammates if they could pass the ball to me since I was so wide open.

At the beginning of the third quarter, my team started to fall apart. Although I had made three three-pointers, my team had too many turnovers. My team was down by 20 points entering the fourth quarter. However, we would regroup and make a lot of shots. The fourth quarter was our best quarter of the game. However, the other team’s lead was almost insurmountable. With five minutes left in the fourth quarter, my team started to look toward someone to start making some big shots. Everyone started to look at me because I had already scored 18 points.

The next five minutes of the game would change the way people would view me. Whenever someone passed the ball, I would just shoot it and hope for the best. Long story short, my team ended up winning the game by ten points. I finished with 30 points, 10 assists, and 8 rebounds. Although I didn’t get a triple double, I was still happy that my team had won the game.

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