Soccer or Lacrosse? | Teen Ink

Soccer or Lacrosse?

May 2, 2014
By Kelsey Sauers BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
Kelsey Sauers BRONZE, Lilburn, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people believe that lacrosse is the greatest sport ever invented. In the south, lacrosse is on the rise. It originated in North America and was created by the Native American tribes. As the Native American population decreased, so did the number of lacrosse players. The popularity of lacrosse had died down in the past few centuries, but now people today decided it was the new sport to join.

Teens and young adults all over the country think it’s the most popular sport, but I hate to break it to them, since that is in no way true. According to Sporteology, a top rated sports website, soccer is rated number 1 in the world for most watched, played, and most “revenue generating”. And where is lacrosse ranked on that website? Nowhere. This is only one way that soccer is better than lacrosse.

Other than the fact that soccer is much more popular than lacrosse, therefore perceived as better by the rest of the world, lacrosse (for girls) has terrible uniforms. When you are playing a sport that requires you running up and down a field you should not be forced to wear a skirt! Skirts are for sports where a lot of running back and forth is not a necessity, such as tennis or cheerleading. Unlike in lacrosse, soccer players’ uniforms consist of shorts. This allows a lot of movement without confining you legs into a skirt. On top of that, they also wear goggles to protect their eyes from getting hit with the ball. I am going to guess and say that a baseball and a lacrosse ball are about the same size. Do you see baseball players wearing goggles? No. With sports you are taking a risk of being injured, so you should not be protected from every harmful scenario that could happen to you. In my opinion, lacrosse players dress like wimps. I think many people would agree that soccer at the least has better uniforms.

What you may not know about girl’s lacrosse is that it is not a contact sport. This surprised me because the rules of lacrosse differentiated between boys and girls, and from my knowledge this does not happen with other sports. Why would they change the rules between the genders? Honestly I don’t know, but if I were a lacrosse player I would not like to play in a game where I couldn’t make contact with the opponent. Especially if I knew boys got to push people down and whack other kids with lacrosse sticks. In soccer, the rules are the same for both genders. The game is fair and equal for girls and guys both. This is another reason that I believe soccer is a better sport and hobby than lacrosse.

Both of these sports have their ups and downs, and it’s just my opinion that soccer is a better sport than lacrosse. It all depends on who you are asking though. As you can tell, I believe that soccer is all around a better sport for girls and boys both. You may not have the same outlook as me, but these are the reasons why we all know soccer superior to lacrosse.

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This article has 1 comment.

PIANOBOY said...
on May. 6 2014 at 12:26 pm
Since you said i don't necessarily have to agree with you, let me give you a different point of view. I do play lacrosse in high school, and I do agree with you at the point that soccer is very easy and safe to play for all age and gender. Boy's lacrosse is actually dangerous, and maybe tou don't like girls' uniforms. However, I think you should respect the spots, lacrosse, as a forst sport in America, and as a traditional way of life for native americans.
I used to play soccer like you, and when i first played lacrosse, I found it interesting. So my advice for you is not to decide on rannk which sports is better, but to play many sports and find each good point!