The Beautiful Game | Teen Ink

The Beautiful Game

May 11, 2014
By colevick12 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
colevick12 BRONZE, Denton, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The place where I feel perfectly content is a place where the grass grows green and there are two goal posts at each end. I experience great joy and hardship here. I’m joyful when we win, sad when we are defeated, yet through it all, I’m just happy to play the game I love. This place is meaningful to me because it brings out camaraderie, unity, hard work, perseverance, and everyone working together to achieve the same goal. There is nothing like the feeling you get when you achieve that goal.

I have been on the field so many times in my life, yet when I step out on the pitch, it feels like I’m experiencing it for the first time. To you it may look like a grassy field with two goal posts at each end, but to me it’s home. Since I was four years old, I’ve been playing this game, but never knew the importance it would have on my life. It started out as a simple game, but has greatly affected my life. I now can’t see my life without it. I want to play it through college and look forward to coaching this game later in my life. It will always be a part of me.

When I step on the field it feels timeless, I could spend hours just with a couple of guys and a ball, having a good time. I always look forward to the next game. Playing in front of a lot of adoring fans watching your every move might seem intimidating to you, but to me it’s a every weekend occurrence. When the final whistle blows, there are only two things running through most people’s head defeat or victory, but in my heart is happiness to be able to play and enjoy this game. When the clock starts winding down I feel exhilarated, but at the same time I am exhausted from the force of the game.

This game is something you can’t get from a computer or school, it is something that happens when people come together and play something they all love. Not for money or fame, but for the pure love of the game. This game is not easy and it is not for everyone. But if you do have a love for the game, you are brought into a family of men and women who love the beautiful game all over the world. It is a friendship where people from all over the world with different languages, customs, cultures, and backgrounds all come together and play the game as one.

On this field I have learned lessons that will stay with me for the rest of my life. I have learned first hand the importance of being a leader. I have learned how to step up in adversity even though it may not be popular. I have had to stand up and speak out, leading my team by encouraging and serving. It has taught me maturity. As an athlete I always want to grow and develop in my skills, never being satisfied of where I am, just like in life you want to keep growing and developing into adulthood.

Contentment for me is a place where the grass grows green and there are two goal posts at each end. This game brings me joy and hardship. When I win or lose through it all I am just happy to be able play the game I love. This place has so much meaning to my life and me because it brings out unity, hard work, perseverance, and everyone working together to achieve one goal. There is nothing like this beautiful game and all the memories it has brought me and will bring me for the rest of my life.

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