Lacrosse | Teen Ink


May 12, 2014
By Kyle Fitzgerald BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
Kyle Fitzgerald BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

For the oldest game in the world in the world you would think that people call it the American game but to me and many others surprise it’s not baseball is and to me that's not even a real sport. People come up to me all the time and ask me if the thing that I was carrying around was a hockey stick or “nice hockey stick” which if any person has watched hockey they would know that the end of a hockey stick is plastic...

It’s really depressing that so many people don't know about the sport that so many people don't know the game that the native Americans call the “creators game” if you don't know what I’m talking about at this point you most likely have never seen a lacrosse game then you most likely do not know what it is. The creator’s game was a game played by Native American tribes for land, food and sometimes even women. If you still can’t tell by know it’s the game of lacrosse. The game was played over miles of land and at that time they had no protective gear so when you got hit with the ball or stick or even another person it was going to hurt.

In the game there is 10 people on the field for each team so there is the defenders three of them usually the slowest and biggest guys on the team there job is to get the ball away from the offense so they do not score and protect them from getting shots on him. There is the most important person the goalie who saves the goals and is usually the team MVP. Then you have the midfielders the backbone of the team and the ones who run up and down the field constantly and sweat for the team and are the ones who usually gets hurt and do not credit for the goals. The attack the position I play the ones who get it for the goals and get all the glory the goals of us is to dodge, feed, and shoot.

In conclusion I hope to teach every one that if you someone carrying around a lacrosse stick do not assume that it’s not hockey and a little bit of history about the game and how it’s the actual American sport not baseball.

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