The College Dream | Teen Ink

The College Dream

May 26, 2014
By Jillian.Nickens BRONZE, Hemet, California
Jillian.Nickens BRONZE, Hemet, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You have been playing your favorite sport since you were just a little kid. Simply just for
something fun to do. As you get older you begin to understand the game more. You begin to become more competitive. Then high school sports come around. By now you are the best you can be at the sport. And for me that’s volleyball. Something that didn’t mean that much to me when I was younger has now consumed my life and it is all I ever think about. Being a part of club teams, my schools varsity team has pushed me to the next level. And what do most athletes want to do after high school? They want to play at the next level…college. Playing volleyball at the college level has always been a dream of mine that I never thought I would have the opportunity for. And as I never thought that the opportunity would come I still pushed myself to be my best in every game, every practice still hoping the opportunity would come. And when I got my first email from a small private school on the east coast it changed my whole perspective on the game. To just be noticed put a huge amount of motivation in me to be even better then I was before. Getting every hour of practice in I could to get better. To not let myself down for all the hard work and hours I have put into this sport, for this reason. I have then since then received more emails from coaches at USD (university of San Diego) and Fordham University in the Bronx of New York and will working with both coaches this summer. Having these opportunities are such a blessing because athletes can work their whole lives for something like this and never get the chance to show off their hard work and talent. But I am one of the few that gets to and I couldn’t be more thankful. My hard work isn’t over yet. It isn’t over yet. I am going to work even harder this summer and into my high school season to reach my dreams. This is only the beginning.

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