Volleyball Match | Teen Ink

Volleyball Match

October 1, 2014
By Makayla Skidmore BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
Makayla Skidmore BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Volleyball tonight A and B team is playing tonight volleyball games are nerve racking it can be nervous too because everyone is watching you maybe you look like a fool to other people because you're messing up but you just can’t give up on yourself stay positive and do your best.

Say your team is losing by a few points but it’s your turn to serve all you have to do is stay positive and say you can do it just do your best, and take all your stress out on your serving and maybe if you get a change maybe a little out on the ball that you go to spike, and make it look like you tried your best. If you mess up it’s okay all you gotta do is shake it off and try it again.

Keep your head up and stay positive and do your best and you’ll be alright just don’t let it get to because you could lose your concentration on playing if you get too upset about it just admit you make a mistake and get over it and try it again you will have a second chance to try again and do it right the second time and then you won’t be so hard on yourself.

Some people say that volleyball isn’t hard at all but it actually it is it can be complicated at times where you get so frustrated and then you just want to give up because you know that you might lose but you just have to stay happy and say that its okay and just try again and you will be alright so in the game it was my turn to serve I was anxious it was scary everyone is watching me and is looking at me and see how well I am doing also my teammates are depending on me to make a point for the team it was scary because my team is wanting me to make the serve over so we can hopefully win the game if we all try hard enough we will do good if we work together as a team and so the referee blew the whistle so I served the ball I was so shocked  I made it over the net and I got a point for the team they said good job and I scored 3 more points for the team and we won all three of them

The author's comments:

I hope that people see in my poem is that you should never be discourge on yourselve because you will just want to give up and not try again 

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