Bremen 8th Grade Football | Teen Ink

Bremen 8th Grade Football

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

Bremen 8th graders had their first game September 9th. Their game was away in New Carlisle. They had a long bus drive from Bremen, which is about 45 minutes away.  They arrived with little time to warm up during the 7th grade team. They warmed off the field then went through they practiced a couple plays then got off the field. They were ready.

Bremen got the ball first and returned with good yardage. Bremen was running the ball the most health. Bremen scored first and kicked a field goal. Their running backs were strong and quick was handed the ball turned the corner got free and scored a touchdown. A couple touchdowns has passed and the first half was over.  Bremen was crushing them 22-0.

It was the last half. Bremen was ready, they wanted the win. The Lions came into the half scoring even harder and faster. New Prairie scored one time on a quick pitch they had handed it to their short fast running back. The clock was winding down Bremen saw victory in their eyes.The clock hit zero Bremen emerged victorious. The coach called them all to a huddle to take a knee. The coach said “I am proud of you guys good job tonight.”

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