The Predators | Teen Ink

The Predators

September 30, 2014
By lcontreras BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
lcontreras BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My coaches name is Coach Stone, he is pretty cool. He makes us do a lot of touching drills.

There are 13 kids on my soccer team, all from different town.The towns they are from are Rochester, Argos, Culver, and Bremen (including me) and we are an amazing team. We are called the Argos FC Predators.

  We have practices Mondays and Fridays. We are good at working together, even though we just met  not that long ago. We also know each others names. We have some really good people on our team that work all together.

    We just had our first game we faced Plymouth United and we lost 2-1. I don't think the game was fair because there was a lot of fouling but none of it was called from the refs. I was very unfortunate that we lost but it was our first game and Plymouth United kids have been playing together since U-10 and we just met. I think by the end of the season we will be able to beat them so we will be ready to beat them and be on top of them. And that is why I like my team because we play clean not dirty like other teams.

  One sunny  Monday afternoon it was soccer practice Raul, Jordan, Jose, Bryce, and Luis  were there. We were playing 2vs3 and there were people on the side of the goals. It was very fun everyone was doing a great job.

Jordon was coming up with the ball towards the goal then you hear BAMMMMMM and the goalie knicks it and it hits Jose where the sun doesn’t shine.

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