Soccer | Teen Ink


September 30, 2014
By Raul Jimenez BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Raul Jimenez BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The boys' soccer team team. Always wins most of their games. They usually get second in sectionals.They usually only lose by one goal. My team could be phenomenal  if only they passed more and had more accurate shot. Coach Yoder needs to show more coaching and turn them in to an actual team.

My school is good at sports. We could be a whole lot better More people would want to come  because of the sports and people would do more sports.  Most people think  all sports need more talented and more coaching experience coaches. My school needs sport class to learn about a special plays and stuff because it involves everything and it will improve how we play.Overall Coach Yoder is doing fine, but I think we could be doing better. We should be able to win more. That not all thats wrong with the soccer problem its just some.

Overall the soccer team is doing alright not the best but not the worst. They need to train everyday though for at least 3 hours to win. In sectionals they lose by a game they make it all the way up and just to lose.

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