Game Day | Teen Ink

Game Day

September 30, 2014
By crazycrae53 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
crazycrae53 BRONZE, Kings Mountain, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"With Success, Comes hard work"

At 4 o’clock, my team and I were sitting down eating supper, not a word coming out of our mouths, for we knew in a few hours it would be game time. Before the game in the locker room, it’s all jokes aside. We all put our Headphones on and “got in the zone”. Because later on that field, we face our biggest rival of the season, Shelby. We haven’t beat them on their home field since 1984, so i guess you could say we were as serious as you could get.

Coach said, “suit up boys”, and when he did, we all screamed “let’s go”. This time since it was Shelby, we took all of our pads up to the locker room and turned off all the lights and took a nap. It’s time to go warm up on the field, we put on all of our pads and braces. We line up in a 2 by 2 line and start walking down the hill towards the field. We see Shelby warming up, based on looking at their Fullback, he was as big as a lineman. At that moment, we knew this wasn’t going to be easy, but nothing in football is easy. You have to earn every spot on the field. To be the best and stay there, blood and sweat is necessary.

Game time is here. We all gather and in a huddle and say our football prayer. Now we are ready to play one of the biggest games of the year in High School football. We won the toss, so Shelby receives. At the end of their drive they scored. Now it was our turn, to show the whole town what we were made of. On the first play we ran a gain of about 3 yards. But second play, we throw it deep to Kavin. He jumps up higher than ever and catches it, and runs it in for the score. Km-7, Shelby-7.

The whole first and second quarters were touchdown after touchdown for both them, and us. At the start of the second half, it was our turn to get the ball. When the whistle blew, we ran as hard as we could to gain the most amount of yards. In this game, every yard matters. We have waited all summer and season for this one game. Where as if we won, we would have a police escort on the way home, and a whole night of partying. But first we had to win. During the third quarter we fell behind and tried to come back up. Every time they threw it deep, they caught it and scored.

Near the end of the fourth quarter, we knew it was all over. The score was 21-44 Shelby. When the final seconds came, we started tearing up as we heard Shelby screaming with joy. Final Score. Km-21, Shelby-44. 

The author's comments:

Our JV football game last week

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