Dolphins vs. Patriots | Teen Ink

Dolphins vs. Patriots

September 30, 2014
By BlackHammer BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
BlackHammer BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On September 7th the Miami Dolphins faced the New England Patriots. It was at Miami so it was a home game. I wanted Miami to win because I felt that that they were the better team. Miami is also my favorite team. New England is almost my least favorite team.

Miami played a tough game and they were tied up in the 3rd quarter. I was following the game on my computer. One second Miami was winning and another it was New England. sometimes instead of watching what would happen each play I would watch videos of plays that already happened.

Whenever Miami would get a sack or get a big gain I would run around the house cheering. My mom and brother would yell at me, “shut uuuuuup”. When I would wouldn’t quit my brother would act like he was gonna beat me up. Or he would say the the Jets are better than the Dolphins and I would start laughing really hard.

At the end the game Miami ended up winning by two touchdowns. I kept yelling at my brother cause he kept saying that they got lucky and Miami sucked. I told him that if the Jets played New England than they would get crushed. Than he said when the Jets play the Dolphins we will see who the better team is.

The next day I was still happy. One of my friends is a big fan of New England so I wanted to rub it in his face. When I did he said that Miami sucked and that New England was super good. Then I asked him if Miami was bad and New England was good, why did a bad team beat a good team. He told me to shut up then walked away.

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