Tony Stewart's Situation | Teen Ink

Tony Stewart's Situation

September 30, 2014
By TheWhiteLight BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
TheWhiteLight BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
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Favorite Quote:
"Give me liberty or give me death!" - Gorge Washington

Who did Tony Stewart hit? It was a young driver named Kevin Ward. At Canandaigua Motorsports Park, Kevin Ward crashed and (Not following guidelines)  walked out onto the track signaling for people to stop and help. Tony didn’t see him quick enough and hit him accidentally.  

The two were racing side by side when Ward’s car crashed. When Kevin was hit he died of massive blunt force trauma. They had determined that the car was going 30 - 45 miles per hour. Outrage sparked across the fandom, some saying he did it on purpose others strongly against that accusation.

There is an ongoing investigation into whether or not he hit Kevin on purpose. But Tony recently made a return to the track. It’s beginning to look like there will be no charges made. He did not race in the world cup. It looks like Tony Stewart's life is back on track.

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