New Prairie Cougars vs Bremen Lions | Teen Ink

New Prairie Cougars vs Bremen Lions

September 30, 2014
By Evan Manges BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
Evan Manges BRONZE, Bremen, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Tuesday, September 9, 2014 time for a football game. The kickoff team lined up and the New Prairie kicker kicked the ball. The game was under way.

Kain Hammons returned the ball to about the 20 yard line, and the offense ran onto the field. Unfortunately, we didn’t score. They punted the ball to New Prairie and the defense dashed onto the field. The defense held up, and the offense got the ball back.

The next possession for the Bremen Lions resulted in a touchdown run by Nathan Mullen. Two more touchdowns were scored by Nathan Mullen by the end of the half, and the defense for the Lions still hadn’t given up a touchdown. The score at the end of the half was 22-0.

The ball went back and forth, with neither team putting any points on the board in the third quarter. The fourth quarter was most of the same until Nathan Mullen broke another run loose for his fourth touchdown of the game. The field goal missed, so the score was 28-0. The coaches decided to let the second string defense play the next defensive possession. Unfortunately, the shutout game was lost when the New Prairie running back broke a run loose and scored a touchdown. “Come on guys,” all of the coaches yelled. “We could have had a shutout.”

The score at the end of the game was 28-8. The Bremen Lions were going to leave the New Prairie Cougars field victorious.

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