The First Football Game | Teen Ink

The First Football Game

September 30, 2014
By Anonymous

The grass lay was efficiently green. The two teams were enthusiastic and ready to play. It was a great day for football. Just imagine a new brown ball flying through the air in the blue air. The game was just about to begin.

Yesterday afternoon was the kick off to the 7th grade season. Their first game was away against New Prairie. The Bremen Lions kept the Cougars from scoring for three quarters,But in the end the Lions lost 14 to 0 because of a few major mistakes.

The game was hard for the Lions. During the first two quarters of the game, they fought like two little kids back and forth non-stop. It was an even fight. The team did tried their hardest to not let the other team score and they did not even score. They defended well.

During the first two quarters they also tried to score. They gave it all they had. Unfortunately the other team also did their best and kept them from getting any touchdowns. They also defended well.

But after two quarters of fighting they began to get sickly. They kept them from scoring for another quarter. And then they began to make some mistakes and they were scored on twice and made the extra point kick twice also. The Cougars walked away with a good win on 14 to 0. And that was the first seventh grade football game. Coach DePalma said “We did well.”

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